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Murray Meyer is a criminal lawyer, comedian, story-teller and writer. He has practiced Criminal Defense Law in Los Angeles for the last 30 years. During that time, he has had over one hundred criminal trials and estimates his winning percentage at well over .400 which would put him in Cooperstown if law were baseball.

Contact Murray at

During the same period, he’s also been a stand-up comic, playwright for Me and Errol (not so funny) and written and performed in three comedic one-man shows – It’s Criminal! The Comedy, Walking Back To Brooklyn and his current show It’s Shameful! A Deadbeat Dad’s Story. His work has been produced at the San Francisco, Toronto and Seattle Fringe Festivals and in Los Angeles, New York and Montreal. “Meyer’s transition from character to character and from past to present is seamless, funny and truly entertaining,” wrote Kristen Larocque, Montreal Mirror.

Meyer has been writing and producing legal comedy shorts for his website for the last decade. “This is my take on the daily menu of mishegas (craziness) I encounter in my job as a criminal defense lawyer,” says Meyer. And after seeing one of his shows, the LA Weekly wrote, “More lawyers should do one-person shows.”

Murray has four children, four grandchildren and is married to the playwright/director Laurel Ollstein.

Contact Murray Meyer at


“More lawyers should do one-person shows.” — LA Weekly

“Meyer’s transition from character to character and from past to present is seamless, funny and truly entertaining.” – Kristen Larocque, Montreal Mirror

“Brutally honest, funny, and true.” –Lawrence Straub

“What a Fringe show should be. No gimmicks, just an actor, the stage and a great story. Great for laughs.” – Stanley R. Glick

“At times I found myself laughing and crying at the same time. A touching slice of a life. Well done!”– Philip Montaigne

“What a story! Funny and poignant. A lethal combination. It could have fallen easily into the cheap sentimentality of My Greek Wedding but somehow managed to walk that fine line without falling into the slop. I left the play much richer for having seen it.” – Charles Pitt

“Crying out loud funny!” – Stacy Schwartz